Wednesday, May 29, 2013

People in a Box.


My first post in this whole blog thing will be about the church. I don't want to step on any toes (not my intention at all), but as someone who has been called to be a pastor, I see a few things that the church is doing that should be addressed. I want to look at these and hopefully open anyone who reads this eyes to what the church could be when described in the letters from Paul in the New Testament and functioning to its highest potential. I want to do this by outlining 2 major points.

1. The church is not a building. 
      What I mean by this is that so often people can get caught up in looking at the church as a place. We do it without thinking about it, but we place the church in one spot and don't consider the rest of what that entails. The church is a community, not a building. The church can meet at one spot for corporate worship, teaching, and gatherings at a central location, but so often it becomes more than that. It becomes THE church. We, I included, often lose focus that the church is the community of believers that has one purpose; to glorify God and to spread the Gospel. What happens for me is that I just go every Sunday to church to worship, listen to teaching, and say hi to a few people and then leave for Panera with the family... I miss the point of church then if I go just for these things. Interaction throughout the week is what is necessary for true growth as a Christian. (Proverbs 27:17 - Look it up). I'm a huge proponent of small groups when run properly and I believe that this is a way of becoming part of that community. To summarize this point; move from the mindset of the church being a building and to it being the people.

2. People in a Box.
      Secondly, this is the title of my post because it is something that God has opened my eyes to and a vision that I have for what the church could be. We ended up leaving our old church of 11 years for more reasons than just this, but one reason being that my mother had nowhere to serve. Her heart is for missions, specifically human trafficking victims, and there was no ministry anywhere closely related to her passion for this cause. Something that I believe the church needs to realize is that each person is unique and God has placed individual talents within each person. So often the ministries in the church are ones that are found everywhere; Youth, Adult, Restoration, etc. But what if we saw a ministry for construction? Or floral? Most people would crane their neck at seeing such an odd ministry, but hear me out...
     So often the ministries that are formed in the church force people to "fit in a box." The people's heart is in something else, but they're feeling called to serve so they might as well volunteer in children's ministry because it's the only appealing option. My mother's passion is for human trafficking victims, so what ministry could come alongside that vision and let her serve in something she's passionate for? This does not have to be the pastor's responsibility to figure out the ministry, but to walk alongside and shepherd the individual in what the ministry could look like. Partnering with a local organization, such as Ink 180, could be a possibility for my mom. When this happens, you'll find other people with the same heart and this is when true community can be built. This allows for the church to be able to reach out beyond its four walls when true ministry takes place. I believe, that when presented with the opportunity to give their gifts, talents, and passions back to God, people will jump at the opportunity and you will see the church function as never before.

Now, are there flaws to this type of thinking? Probably. Do I come at it with years of experience within the church and know how the church functions from an insider's view? No. But I do know that I have seen the church hurt people, countless times, and I see this as a way to remedy that. This is just a vision that God has laid on my heart for what I can do when I get to the point of being a pastor and shepherding people, but for right now it is a call to pastors who read this. Whether you're a youth pastor or whatever your role, utilize the people that you have in your ministry. They will come back to learn more and grow together. I guarantee it.

Thanks for reading and please send me your thoughts or criticisms. I'd love to learn how to be able to grow in this thinking.

Thanks for checking in,



I'm Kyle Yates and I am going to be a sophomore in college next year. Crazy how time flies, but soon it will be time for a reality check and to say goodbye to my family again and head back up to Grand Rapids, Michigan for continuing my education.

I will be using this blog to put my thoughts down on "paper." These will be thoughts and visions for the church, how I'm struggling with certain issues, and my heart for ministry.

I thank you for reading and hopefully some of the things I say challenge you and force you to think about some things that you need to change.

Thanks for checking in,
