Saturday, January 4, 2014

A Servant in the Making

So, I've decided to redo my blog. I changed the title, redid the look, and am going to be changing the content slightly. The main thing that I wanted to bring notice to is the title, "A Servant in the Making." I chose this because I believe this is the time of life that I am in right now. God has called me to be in ministry, but before that gets to happen, I believe that there needs to be a form of submission that has to occur from me. I need to realize that I am "not all that and a bag of chips" when it comes to a worship leader. This is where the servant part comes in.

The Greek word, doulos, means a slave or servant. In essence, this is someone who sacrifices all of their right's and will to another person. This word caught my eye a while back and has slowly been making its way to the forefront of my thinking of my relationship with Christ. What would happen if I lived my life through the eyes of a servant? No rights of my own, but everything that I did would be to bring glory to my Savior. Just like with a modern day employee, how they act reflects the attitude and values of the company and their employers. It's the same with a slave or servant. How they act, what they say, and what they don't say is a direct reflection of their master's values.

Well, there's the servant definition of my title, but what about the "in the making"? This is because I am far from that point of surrendering all my right's to God. I'll openly admit that. But I'm making a conscious effort to move forward towards that, hence the ongoing process to become that person that Jesus would look at and say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."

I don't want this post to be long. Short and sweet. Just wanting to say what has been going on in my life and to invite you to take these steps with me of sacrificing who you are to bring glory to the One who is and is to come.


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